Live. . . . .
Zenergy fuels your day with sustained energy and focus, empowering you to live life to the fullest. Whether you're tackling work projects, hitting the gym, or enjoying outdoor adventures, our blend of GABA, 5-HTP, and banana powder keeps you energized and ready for anything. Embrace every moment and live your best life with Zenergy.
Laugh. . . . .
With Zenergy's mood-boosting ingredients, including 5-HTP, you'll find it easier to stay positive and enjoy the lighter side of life. Stress melts away, leaving room for more smiles, laughter, and good times with friends and family. Let Zenergy be your secret to a happier, more joyful you.
Unfunk Yourself
Shake off the doldrums and reset your vibe with Zenergy. Our powerful mix of active ingredients helps clear the mental fog and uplift your spirits. Feel refreshed, revitalized, and ready to take on the world—Zenergy helps you unfunk yourself and get back to your vibrant self.

Natural Dopamine Kick
Zenergy's official un-Funk ingredient, Mucuna the famous, "Dopamine Bean." Zenergy contains this natural source of L-dopa, a critical component for the neurotransmitter Dopamine. Because getting un-Funked means more feelings of pleasure, satisfaction, and motivation in your day.

The Calm Without the Storm
You know that storm feeling in your brain? The fear and anxiety that says "the sky is falling!" Well, Zenergy supplies your swirling nerves with GABA; and GABA responds, "Aint no body got time for that." GABA blocks the storm of nerve cell hyperactivity that left unchecked carves a destructive path in your day, so you can get back to feeling like your best self.

Don't Lose Your Snooze
Newsflash: Snoozers are NOT Losers, and Zenergy is here to prove it, 5-HTP increases Serotonin levels, memory, sleep, calm, and euphoric feelings. One sip of Zenergy and the 5-HTP glows up to Serotonin, as if the above list wasn't rocking your waking hours enough. The Serotonin glow you love throughout the day just keeps flowing. After dark, Serotonin slips into something a little more comfortable: the soft and cozy neurotransmitter melatonin. Soon you’ll be all set for sleep. Zenergy keeps you flowing from one great snooze on into another great mood.

The Kick
Yerba Mate
Yerba mate is a natural stimulant that boosts energy without coffee jitters. It's rich in antioxidants and essential vitamins like A, C, E, and B vitamins. It enhances mental focus and clarity, perfect for productivity. Yerba mate also supports digestion and provides sustained energy all day.
Your Workout. Only Better.
Crazy Focus. Amazing Taste. Supports Muscle Growth. Healthy Glucose Levels. Improved Libio. Curbs Cravings. Drink Zenergy pre-workout and the only thing kicking your butt will be you.